Thursday, December 6, 2007

Major Meltdown

Little Miss Tessa had a ROUGH night last night. She screamed at the top of her lungs for a very long time! I think the garlic and sausage on the pizza Lisa ate must have gotten to her. That was the first night that Tessa couldn't settle herself down. We thought we might end up at the hospital, but luckily we gave her a little Mylecon and she finally settled down. Today Lisa had chicken soup for lunch. Hopefully that will alleviate some of Tessa's intestinal distress. Poor little thing.

Koen was such a trooper through it all. Eventhough Tessa's crying woke him, he was able to mellow out and go back to sleep amidst the screaming. Thank God!!

I have to remember... "Sleep is overrated".

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