Monday, September 22, 2008

Tired munchkins in Bermuda

We are trying to take a few family photos each night so maybe we will have our holiday card photo done.  Tessa and Koen are tooooo tired in this one.

Beautiful Bermuda

We arrived safely in Bermuda Saturday evening after a 5 hour delay at Logan due to a fuel leak in engine number 2! Yikes! It smelled really bad on the plane before we were asked to deplane so I am glad they found the source of the problem. They told us they were flying a part up from Atlanta and that it would be in Boston by 1pm then they would fix it and we would be on our way by 2 or so. Well, luckily they got us a new plane and we took off at 2pm. Koen and Tessa were very good about the whole thing, but I know they were WIPED because they fell asleep right before we got on the plane then didn't get a nap for the rest of the day!

Pru and John (Wendy's aunt and uncle ended up staying in Boston so we got Unit 20 (Begonia) all to ourselves!! It would have been a little tight with 4 adults and 4 kids under five in one unit! What a nice surprise.

Tomorrow we are headed to Hamilton on the ferry. Apparently the buses are not stroller friendly so we need to take the boat.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Breaking News!!

Little Miss Tessa is crawling on all fours now! She just started today! Looks like she might lose the army crawl and just switch to regular crawling. Yeah!!!

Tomorrow morning is the finalization at the court in Canton. Wish us luck.

Poor Koen has a severe case of diaper rash and intestinal issues. We are praying that he is better in time for Bermuda (we leave Saturday) otherwise we are all staying home!

Hopefully we will have some photos to post from the finalization tomorrow.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Words from the kids

Koen's mastery of the English language it pretty amazing.  He knows about 70 words including bulldozer, motorcycle, police car, tow truck, strawberry, the list goes on and on because he copies everything we say.  Tessa is now getting in on the act and she can say "Uh oh", Duck, Moo, and dada.  We encourage her to say mama but she is not there yet.

We now ask ask Koen "Are you ready for night, night?" and he replies "No".  We ask "Are you sure?" and he says "YES".  He is really able to communicate quite well now.  

Although Tessa is not crawling on all fours yet, she gets around the house by slithering around on the floor like an army soldier in the fox hole.  She got from the living room to the office all by herself tonight!

Tomorrow we are going to Houghton's Pond for our first "meet-up" play date with 6 other families like ours.  This should be fun for the kids to run around together.  Hopefully we all get along and plan other dates soon.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I got the call!!

Our lawyer, Joyce Kauffman, called today to say we finally have our court date to finalize my adoption of Tessa!!!  Guess what day it is scheduled for...  My birthday, September 16th!  Do you think they planned it that way?  Couldn't think of a better day to legalize my parental relationship with little miss Tessa!  Great day to have a party!!!   Cross your fingers all goes well.