Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday a bust

Not sure how this happened, but ALL 4 of us are down for the count today.  Lisa started it with body aches and a fever last Tuesday, then I got a mild case of it Wednesday, then Koen on Thursday, then Tessa today!  :-(  Between the hacking coughs, runny noses, fever, even Levi seems under the weather now.  He has it the worst though, with the cone around his neck and bonking into everything in sight.  Only 3 more nights though and he will be back to himself, we hope.

Easter Sunday is usually our chance to update our family photo, as we have a favorite one from our first year with all of us in 2008, but we will have to do it another day.  Maybe next weekend once everyone is feeling better.  These photos are the most recent I have of the 2 kids together, at least.  Happy to report almost all the snow is now gone in our yard.  Levi was in heaven with all the snow.  Such a handsome pup!