Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back on Track!

Wow - what a week. A new baby in the house AND Koen!! It has been absolutely wonderful, but absolutely crazy! Like Lisa and I have said before, we wouldn't have planned it this way, but we feel so blessed to have these little munchkins in our lives.

Little Miss Tessa is a champion sucker just like Koen was at birth. Fortunately she has latched on to Lisa without much of a problem. The first few days were touch and go, but now she is doing great. It's strange not to have to mix formula and wash bottles in the dishwasher almost every day. The $ savings will be great - especially being on only one salary.

The kids had their Dr's appointments today - Tessa her one week appt. and Koen his 6 month appt a little late. He is 23.5 pounds and 28.5 inches! Turns out Tessa's length measurement at the hospital was a little off. She is 20.5 inches instead of 21.5 inches. We thought that sounded kind of long for such a peanut. Believe it or not, 20.5 was Koen's length at birth too. So many similarities!!

It feels strange to say "the kids". Who's kids? Our kids? I still can't believe it all came together. I guess eventually it will feel real.

You probably won't believe this, but Koen has been standing on his own for a few seconds here and there. He got an Elmo table from a friend and it requires that he stand next to it to play with it, and he is really getting there. I wonder if he will skip crawling and just go right to walking....

I need to figure out how to post photos!

1 comment:

terri ray said...

OMG what a pain ot leave you a message. anywhooo....congrats. I cant believe koen is 23 lbs and allie is still only 15. WHAT are you feeding him?????? He will be a defensive player by age 5!
We cant wait to see you gurls on the 16th!

Love, Wendy, Terri, Janae and Allie