Saturday, January 12, 2013

A new year

Well,  I thought 2012 would be a better year for posting but alas, having 2 kids, 2 cats, a wife and full-time job proved to be too much.  I see many folks are able to accomplish "a post a day" with 1 photo and limited commentary...  Not sure I will be able to keep up with that, but my goal is to try a once a month post.  Wish me luck!

So, as a follow up to the camping trip. last year, yes, we had a blast and kids always have fun outside! We decided to hold off on buying a camper due to, first off money, plus storage, plus with busy schedules, how many weekends would we REALLY be able to go.  I am guessing it will get worse/busier as the kids get older and have soccer, gymnastics, skiing (hopefully), dancing, track (our little runner Ko), etc, etc.  We will certainly do it again next year, though.

After our 4th of July camping trip we had a GREAT week in Provincetown with the Family Equality folks for their annual Family Week festivities.  Here is a photo of the fam that was taken by a photog at the event - Song of Myself Photography on Commercial Street.

The kids spent lots of time in Falmouth over their summer break boating & beaching with Nana & Papa.

September found Koen in Kindergarden and Tessa in her last year of preschool.  Fortunately they both enjoy school for now and we are thankful to the wonderful teachers that keep them interested!  Koen is writing up a storm and Tessa loves reading and learning.  Yes - she is still a history buff.  The other day she wanted to discuss, the French Indian War.  Not sure I know a lot of 5 year olds that have such a fascination with history.  We surmise that she will either be a history teacher or a tour guide  on the Freedom Trail or on the Lexington Concord trails, although she claims she wants to be paleontologist.  The jury is still out for Koen...  Artist, architect, runner extrordinaire, or a pilot (my wish).  It certainly will be fun to watch them continue to grow and learn about what interests them.

In October the kids had a blast preparing for Halloween.  Tessa was a Dalmation and Koen was, of course, Rudolph.  His love of Rudolph is so sweet.

The kids had fun playing on the local Concord soccer teams this fall, and we loved the physical outlet it provided.  Perfect play date!  Being outside with friends running around.  What could be better?!  Spring soccer is just around the corner.  I know Koen will be excited to start again, but Tessa will probably stick with gymnastics.  Time will tell.

In November little Miss Tessa turned 5!  I can't believe Koen will be 6 in less than 4 months!

Christmas was wonderful this year.  Although it was the 10th anniversary of my Dad's passing, we were able to spend a good amount of time with my Mom (Mormor) down in Old Saybrook which is always relaxing.  The kids had fun experimenting with decorating Christmas cookies.  Yum!!  Here is a Christmas photo of the kids.

We, like most of Massachusetts, have been battling colds, cough, pneumonia (Koen, but he has recovered) for what feels like 3 months, but I suppose it has only been 2 months.  I really hope we will all be feeling well in 2013!!

One of the wonderful joys for me is the kids love of music!  We love to listen to the radio as a family and name the songs as they come on.  Tessa has become quite the artist identifier!  She can name the latest artists, Katy Perry, Pink, Nicki Minaj, Philip Phillips and the oldie but goodies, Billy Joel, Elton John, Michael Jackson.  BUT yesterday, Lisa said said Tessie was listening to a song with her best friend Lilly in the car and said...  Isn't this Michael McJagger?  LOL  Now that is a new one to me!  What a cutie.

We will keep you posted on the adventures of Koen and Tessa and please do keep us posted on all your 2013 happenings!!